School Uniform

Blazer Plain Black

Shirt White

Skirt Black Knee Length tailored fit (not stretch) We do not have a Shavington school skirt

Tights Black or flesh coloured, NO over the knee socks.

Trousers Black tailored school trousers - NOT ‘skinny’ fit or fashion style. Legging style trousers are also not permitted.

Jumper Plain black V neck jumper (optional) - no logos or branding. Round neck jumpers are not permitted.

School Tie Clip-on tie in house colour - available from school

School Badge Available from school

Shoes Plain black shoes in a sensible style with no logos and the material should be waterproof. No trainers/boots.

Outdoor Coat Hooded tops or tops with logos are not acceptable. Please do not bring expensive coats into school.

P.E Kit

Plain white polo shirt
Black school shorts

Pupils are to take pride in their appearance and be safe

  • Jewellery - due to safety reasons, no large rings/bracelets/necklaces should be worn
  • Ear Piercings - they must wear studs only, up to a maximum of 2 per ear
  • Facial piercings, flesh tunnels and large stretcher earrings are not allowed in school
  • Hair needs to be natural in colour
  • Beaded hair is not appropriate for school unless worn for cultural reasons. Head coverings for religious purposes may be worn to school, but may not obscure the face
  • We are aware that some pupils sometimes wear natural looking make-up to cover skin blemishes, or to feel more confident. However heavily applied make-up is not suitable
    False eyelashes and false nails are also not permitted